What happens when we die? The stupid or common answer is "nothing, your just dead". That answer annoys me all the time. You cannot be nothing. People find this concept very hard to grasp and about 90% of people i talk to about this doesnt understand me.
So 'Life' - your living it right now, how does it feel? - im going to ask you to think 'Deep' with me, dont think of the logics, but think almost sub conciously. 'Life' - you can feel it right now, not physically but mentaslly, you know that you exist, and you know that your real. You can 'Think' and you can 'know'.
When you die can you just stop 'knowing', 'thinking'? No, what does it feel like not to exist? What does it feel like not to be here? Yet you have to be somewhere, and you have to feel something,dead or alive? Some of you may be catching on now, and some are just confused and not understanding what im trying to say.
You can feel 'life' right now, but what does 'death' feel like, you have to feel something, you have to be somewhere. Think about it - go deep, forget about 'Physics' forget about 'Logic'.
Understand? - If no, then your not going deep enough.