The truth about god, and if he is real.
Who am i to say that god is not real. Nut where was god on 9/11? where is god with this tsunami disaster? where was he in World war 2? World war 1? Everything that has happened in the last 2000 years, no sign of him, no miracles, just a book with no evidence for actual existance.
What is god? God is just hope, what people believe or hope is real, when actually theres nothing there. Where was god in the disasters? Ive asked someone before, and all I got was; "God was there, and he was helping you". No he Wasnt! how many times, must I explain? If God was real, would i live life the way i do now? Would any of this happen? There is no one there to help us, were on our own.
Thats why people choose to belive in this 'God', because they feel iscolated without him. A book doesnt prove that he is real, and i haven't seen any other proof that he was real? The book could have been written by anyone.
Okay, so im just a simple minded human, I have always said that i am open minded, and i used to believe; but i have lost all faith, too much has happened, and the fact is 'God' doesnt exist, in my opinion.