War does not determine who is right, but who is left.
The truth about god, and if he is real.
Published on January 24, 2005 By brendangenius In Misc
Who am i to say that god is not real. Nut where was god on 9/11? where is god with this tsunami disaster? where was he in World war 2? World war 1? Everything that has happened in the last 2000 years, no sign of him, no miracles, just a book with no evidence for actual existance.

What is god? God is just hope, what people believe or hope is real, when actually theres nothing there. Where was god in the disasters? Ive asked someone before, and all I got was; "God was there, and he was helping you". No he Wasnt! how many times, must I explain? If God was real, would i live life the way i do now? Would any of this happen? There is no one there to help us, were on our own.

Thats why people choose to belive in this 'God', because they feel iscolated without him. A book doesnt prove that he is real, and i haven't seen any other proof that he was real? The book could have been written by anyone.

Okay, so im just a simple minded human, I have always said that i am open minded, and i used to believe; but i have lost all faith, too much has happened, and the fact is 'God' doesnt exist, in my opinion.

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on Jan 24, 2005
Im sorry, but i disagree completely. In revelations, god gave us "free will", it is peoples arogance that caused world war 2, not god. You ask (my saying) where was god on 9/11? Simple, saving peoples lives. the world trade centres can hold up to 50,000 employees in them, and yet only about 10,000 were in each adding to a total of 20,000. When the planes hit, they hit with such a great impact that they should have knocked over the buildings, but they didnt, because, god was there, helping 2/3s of the workers escape, and when the fell in on themselves, he made sire they didnt topple, to injure more people on the ground. And, he made traffic jams, to stop workers who were going into the building.
He urged the people in the plane heading for the pentagon to attack the hijackers to sacrifice themselves so others could live. You ask me where was God on 9/11? I tell you, where wasnt he?

I am sorry if you had family who died in those buildings, but remember, they are with him now, and with his guidance they shall remain eternal...
God always takes the ones he loves soon, as we are all his children.
As long as God remains, so shall humans, because if he endures in peoples hearts, hope will never die..

on Jan 24, 2005
where was god on 9/11? Simple, saving peoples lives. the world trade centres can hold up to 50,000 employees in them, and yet only about 10,000 were in each adding to a total of 20,000.

couldnt he save all of them, is god is so powerfull - its all coincidence...yet again, the book or books are just writtings someone has done.

on Jan 24, 2005

The Revelation of St. John of Patmos is a book of prophecy, so I'm not sure why you bring it up.

The Christian view of god is that he is omniscient, meaning that he knows everything, past, present, and future. Now if God knows the decisions you are going to make before you do, how much free will is really involved?

I notice you left out the tsunami in your praise of the lord, eh? Hard to find a benevolent god, isn't it, Ben Taylor?

To the author of the original post: I don't believe anymore, either. And it's made me so much happier. Cheers.
on Jan 24, 2005
Ben's right. Free will and the arrogance of man caused "all" of thoes disasters. And if God intervined and helped us with everything, where would the test of faith be? Look around you, God is everywhere.
on Jan 24, 2005
I didnt believe either.. but some things just make sense, how can two nothings make nothing? (creation)
Its only been in the last week the ive began to change my mind, im not fully christian. I see sense in what you say too. God did save people in the tsunami too, all those families in the tsunami who didnt die, found family members in hospitals. i know one family who survived but their child didnt.. but they found their childs body for a proper burial, now can you tell me thats seriously luck? i doubt it! The tsunami was a natural disaster no one caused that, and my heart bleeds for those who lost people in it
And i dont "praise the lord" i just use common sense, if the answer of it is right infrout of you, then look at it, not somewhere into the distance..
God gave us free will, he knows whats going to happen, but is powerless to affect our day to day desicsions, he can only act by suggestion, nothing more, and people have the right to use their free will to say either yes or no..
Tell me, why did you stop believing? because i stopped for 8 years when my uncle died, but as i matured i saw that there was some sense in the bible and the words of god..
on Jan 24, 2005
Free will and the arrogance of man caused "all" of thoes disasters

The arrogance of man caused the tsunami. Amazing. I thought it was the forces of plate tectonics.

Tell me, why did you stop believing?

Why do you assume it was some kind of trauma? I never really believed, just went through the motions. I don't believe in god for the same reason I don't believe in santa claus -- there's no evidence.
on Jan 24, 2005
I only posted about half hour ago, and come back to this - god isnt real, no proof, just hope. case closed - but please, continue to post it is entertaining.
on Jan 24, 2005
Do you believe in ghosts, aliens, life on other planets? Because if you do, you shouldnt, because there is no proof about them. And i know man's arrogance didnt cause the tsunami, that i understand. But some things humans do do. and i never meant it to be "some kind of trauma" i just wanted to know if it was because you got hurt or something.
There is not evidence for anything, just because you cant see something, or feel it, doesnt mean it isnt real. Surely you should know that.. you seem smart enough..
Dont judge me by what i believe, because its only throughout this week, that ive began to believe. Im not sure why, probabaly because i feel insecure about myself and need something in which to believe, but that doesnt matter, for the time being i believe in god, with or without proof, i dont need it to believe, because beliefs arent based on fact, there based on what you think, hope and dream about..
on Jan 24, 2005
Do you believe in ghosts, aliens, life on other planets? Because if you do, you shouldnt, because there is no proof about them.

Read my other article/s about Death and Life on other planets - you will know where this has derived from
on Jan 24, 2005
Yes, but, there is no real conreate evidence, like there isnt for god, santa claus, aliens etc. The bible is one of the only sources of god and still you chastise him?
on Jan 24, 2005
couldnt he save all of them, is god is so powerfull - its all coincidence...yet again, the book or books are just writtings someone has done.

What you want isn't necessarily what God wants. Also, understand that this life is a very finite existence. It's our spiritual lives that matter in the end. We'll lost in the details, and not able to see the big picture.
The problem I see is that people think they know better than God, which is silly, because we are such finite beings with limited understanding. We can't even comprehend how existence came to be!
on Jan 24, 2005
I say you are free to think believe or feel whatever you choose. However, it makes no sense to claim god doesn't exist for the simple fact that some people died. If you believe, god's own son was sent here to be tortured and die. Death is the only sure thing in regards to life. We all die, to say god does not exist because some large number died at once makes no sense. People find it real easy to blame god when something goes wrong, but always seem to take credit for themselves when it goes right. It is human nature, blame others for things that happen TO you, and revel in your own glory when they happen FOR you.
on Jan 24, 2005
However, it makes no sense to claim god doesn't exist for the simple fact that some people died.

He said that he didn't believe because there was no proof:
A book doesnt prove that he is real, and i haven't seen any other proof that he was real? The book could have been written by anyone.

The whole, "look at everyone dying while the all-powerful God does nothing" was just icing on the cake.
on Jan 24, 2005
Good point, but thats exactly my point, we are so primitive to know how existance became to be, then why should we belive in god, it seems absurd and out of the question, You say he exists, because a book says he does? we were brought up to believe, yes? but we know that it is a near impossibility.
on Jan 24, 2005

You aren't looking for God, you're looking for a cosmic vending machine, a genie or a puppet to manipulate towards your own ends. If you believe in a God who created the universe, that God MUST be bigger than those things.

I respect your conclusions, and I encourage you to develop your own mind and your own beliefs. But the justifications you have given do not serve well to disprove the existence of God.

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