Our law system and rules are in ruins.
I have notices that children are becoming very hard to control, from a teachers point of view. This is probably caused by the lack of discipline or rules. The system is wrong, and of course the system is easy to break - much like our law system.
Im not saying that the American law system is better though, you murder someone - the police get to murder you back. Plus when you killed someone, it took seconds...when they kill you it takes 9 years. Hald the time they get the wrong people or inoccent people, and so killing these people would be wrong.
America, is supposed to be a free country, Im not so sure, however i still plan to persue my dream of living in America, the dream that will probably remain a dream, and in today's US Society possibly best if I didnt go. In all fairness, the US law system, is its only downfall - apart from that it is a 'Dream' country to certain extents.
Ive had a dig at America's only downfall - the Law system, so ill take one at our very own british law system...the list is long. Where America go to extremes and kill any people braking the law, we do the opposite and dont do enough, which means that you can kill someone and get 20 years - or kill someone, plead insanity and get 5-10 years rehab.
I dont know a country with a good law system, but i do know that the UK and USA should be better, as we are the richest and most proud countries in the world...